It’s been a season of distinction.
Mindsailing was recently honored with six awards recognizing best-in-class communications and content marketing across a variety of tactics. We were honored with:
Hermes Creative Award Platinum, for a health technology e-book targeting health-care CIOs and delivering thought leadership to aid their transition through system modernization.
Hermes Creative Award Gold, for excellence in content marketing with a how-to e-book on creating breakthrough infographics
Hermes Creative Award Gold, for excellence in content marketing with a white paper mapping out the energy sector in an age of transition
Healthcare Ad Awards Silver, for excellence in content marketing with a magazine giving CEOs insight on system-wide shifts
Healthcare Ad Awards Bronze, for a planning tool guiding executives through complex technology decisions
Hermes Creative Award Gold, for an animated mobile site showcasing the achievements of a national sales team and inspiring them to reach new goals
It’s a pleasure to be recognized for excellence in content, digital and mobile marketing and we recognize our clients for their extraordinary efforts in championing these projects to create breakthrough communications in the era of good.